News and Blog UPDATES

Open Gate and COVID-19
COVID-19 has significantly affected Open Gate. Rather than ceasing operation, Open Gate is operating on a take-out basis, maintaining 13 years of never failing to be open on a Sunday. This reïnforces for our young-adult participants our dedication to not fail to...

Open Gate Has Fun Raising Funds at Hamburger Mary’s
On Tuesday, August 21, Open Gate hosted a sold-out charity game night at Hamburger Mary's. Every table in the restaurant was full, and people were lined up along the bar eating, drinking, playing games, and raising money for Open Gate. As people started filling in the...
Charity Game Night Benefitting Open Gate
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
7:00 – 10:00 PM
Hamburger Mary’s Houston

Building Relationships Key at Open Gate
by Nate Custer, Board Member, Volunteer, and one of the founders of Open Gate I've been involved with Open Gate for over ten years. In that time, I've seen what we do change in ways big and small. What has been steady the whole time is that the core of Open Gate’s...

Girl Scout Troop 24029 Helps Out
Several months ago, Girl Scout Troop 24029, based in the Heights, volunteered at Open Gate by sorting clothing donations and hygiene items. When they finished, they decided that they wanted to do something more. In September, the Troop presented Open Gate...